
Academic Support Center

Seminary students have access to the Academic Support Center of the University of Dubuque. Many seminary students require instruction in graduate level writing, computer, or study skills. The Academic Success Center is equipped to provide instruction through individualized tutoring or group workshops. 

Persons with Disabilities

The University of Dubuque Theological Seminary provides facilities which are accessible to handicapped persons. The institution will take the means necessary to ensure that no qualified handicapped person is denied the benefits of, excluded from participation in, or otherwise subjected to discrimination because the facilities are physically inaccessible to or unusable by handicapped persons. Because scheduling classes and arranging housing in accessible facilities may require advanced planning, handicapped students accepted for admission should identify themselves no later than three months prior to the start of the semester in which they begin classes and indicate what accommodations and assistance they may need. 


Orientation provides the new student an introduction to the theological task, an opportunity to build relations within the community, and information on services and facilities. New students are required to attend our online orientation course, Foundations of Theological Education, in order to register for courses. Students who matriculate in Spring are required to attend orientation the following Fall. Foundations of Theological Education is offered online every July, and is considered a part of the Fall Semester. 


The seminary endeavors to assist its students in locating a call to ministry at the time of graduation. The Office of Field Education provides information on placement opportunities, assistance with resume writing, and vocational counseling. Many graduates of UDTS serve as pastors for congregations. Additionally, graduates serve as military or institutional chaplains (such as hospital, hospice, or prison ministry), and in a variety of missional callings.

Student Organizations

In addition to the Student Association, a number of specialized organizations exist to serve the needs of particular student groups. The seminary administration and the student association encourage students with common interests to form groups for fellowship and for the purpose of exploring such interests in depth. The Seminary Pastor to Students provides assistance to student organizations.

Student Association
Full- and part-time students enrolled in the Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Mission and Discipleship become members of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary Student Association upon matriculation. Fall and spring semester activity fees fund the Student Association. The Student Council is composed of elected representatives from the Student Association including representatives for each degree program.

Any Student Association member may attend and speak at Student Council meetings. However, only elected representatives may vote. All students are encouraged to participate by serving on committees. The Student Association holds community meetings at least twice per year in which all Student Association members present are able to speak and vote on particular issues presented by the Student Council.

The Student Council facilitates the programming and finances of the Student Association through committees. The Student Council coordinates fall and spring seminary social events such as meals during the August Residency and forums on issues facing the church and seminary today. The Student Council also sponsors the annual Awards Banquet at which graduates and other students are recognized.