UD to Hold Relationship Abuse Forum
Apr 1, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
On Thursday, April 29, the University of Dubuque will present Educate. Empower. End It. , an educational forum on relationship abuse. The forum will be held from 2:00 - 3:30 p.m. in the Stoltz Sports Center, and will begin with an informational presentation followed by a professional panel discussion. The forum, sponsored by the Office of Counseling and Life Services, is free and open to the public.
University of Dubuque Celebrates the Arts
Mar 29, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
The University of Dubuque Arts Celebration Committee is proud to announce the sixth annual spring arts series of events in a month-long celebration of the arts, March 31 - May 5. This year's theme is Life In Art . Featured guests, Michael Perry, humorist and author, and Antonio Sacre, performer, storyteller, and author, will deliver readings and lectures as part of this enjoyable and educational celebration of the art we find in everyday life. This year's events highlight our students and faculty, featuring our actors, artists, writers, singers, musicians.
UD to Host NASA Education Days
Mar 23, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
On Tuesday, March 30 and Wednesday, March 31, the University of Dubuque Department of Education will host NASA Education Days. The two-day workshop will feature a variety of training sessions by NASA Aerospace Education Specialist John Weis.
UD Alumnus Receives Award
Mar 22, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
University of Dubuque alumnus Amery McIntosh (C'05, MBA'07) has been honored with the State of Texas Alternative Certification Association's (TACA) New Teacher of the Year Award. In addition, he has been nominated for the National Association of Alternative Certification new Teacher of the Year award and will represent the State of Texas in the competition. The award honors interns for their passion, communication, and excellence during their first year of teaching.
UD Receives Funding for Women's Science Research Projects
Mar 18, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
The University of Dubuque recently received a $6,600 grant from The Monticello College Foundation (Godfrey, IL) to fund science research experiences for women.
Parker J. Palmer to Speak at Wendt Center for Character Education Spring Lecture
Mar 18, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
Writer, speaker, and activist Parker J. Palmer will serve as the keynote speaker for the University of Dubuque Lester and Michael Lester Wendt Center for Character Education's fifth annual Wendt Lecture on Tuesday, March 23, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the McCormick Gymnasium. A book signing will follow his remarks.
UD Hosts Panel Discussion on Martin Luther King Jr.
Feb 17, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
The University of Dubuque's will present a viewing of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech, followed by a panel discussion, on Thursday, February 25 at 7:00 p.m. in Dunlap Technology Center's Hadley Auditorium on the UD campus. The event is free and open to the public.
University of Dubuque Ranks Third in State for Fundraising Results
Feb 15, 2010 | University of Dubuque Theological Seminary
The Council for Aid to Education (CAE) announced this week that the University of Dubuque has ranked third among colleges in the State of Iowa for the highest fundraising totals for 2009.