Message from President Frampton

Welcome to the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary (UDTS).

UDTS is one of the very few seminaries in America that is embedded in a vibrant and growing University setting. This larger University setting enables us to experience the world, in all of its complexities; from interacting with undergraduates over a coffee at Sylvia's Common Ground to cheering at a football game to leading worship at the undergraduate chapel, opportunities abound for seminarians who want to be immersed in the larger culture - our mission field.

"The University of Dubuque has such a rich history of educating and serving students since 1852," Frampton said. "Over the past few decades, it has positioned itself as a leader in higher education, remaining committed to its mission of preparing students for service to the church and the world. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and consider it a great honor to be able to serve as the next president of the University of Dubuque. I appreciate the hospitality that members of the search committee, the board, and the cabinet already have shown me and my family, and I look forward to getting to know the faculty and staff of UD as we work together to serve the needs of our students and the surrounding community of Dubuque. The challenges facing colleges and universities in America are not getting easier. As president, I look forward to propelling UD's mission forward by extending the reach and scope of our university's work in meaningful ways at the local, state, and national levels."

Travis L. Frampton, PhD.