Christian Leadership Program Application

Personal Information



















Mailing and Current Address Information

Please provide at least one address. If you have an alternate address, then please complete the second address section as well.







Current Address, if different from above





Admissions Questions

The answers to these questions help us better serve our students.









Education History - Undergraduate

Please list all colleges you have attended, dates of attendance, and degrees you have received.

Name of School Location (City, State) Dates Attended Major (s)

Education History - Graduate School

Please complete this section ONLY if you have earned a postgraduate degree.

Name of School Location (City, State) Dates Attended Major (s)










Pastor Information





Reasons for Applying Essay

Please explain in 250 words or less, your reasons for applying to UDTS to take Lay Education courses. If you plan to use these courses to become a Lay pastor, please provide the contact name and email for someone responsible for your program.

You may also send your essay directly by email at

Recommendation - General

Who will provide you a Letter of Reference?


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application, please call 563.589.3261 or email